If your past has not been good, then don't dwell on it, nor bring it up in conversation nor think about it. Leave the past in the past.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, ... Philippians 3:13
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The stories that appear on this blog are said to be true and have been submitted by people who are victims or have had a loved one victimized. ElderAbuseHelp.Org , its Editor or Contributors have no first hand knowledge of the stories published . These are versions of events based upon the alleged declarations of aggrieved parties, and no final judgment and/or outcome can be obtained without a full and and complete investigation. We urge you to report all offenses or suspetced offences to your local and state law enforcement authorities and keep careful notes of all events.
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